Saturday, September 26, 2009


OMG! I have been so busy with school lately! But, I will soon be updating this alot more! (:
I cant believe there half done with Eclipse already!! (: Its AWESOME!
did you hear the news?
-Stephanie is finishing Midnight Sun (:
I am so excited to hear it all (:
-Everyone has probably heard this, but Robert got painted on abs for the movies!
JUST GET REAL ONES ROBERT! it would make mii life (:
- They might make Breaking Dawn into 2 movies!
Its long, I know~ but I am not going to sit around and wait for another part Breaking Dawn to come out! I want it all in 1 movie! (:
LOL! Others dont though, cuz they want the excitment! we get lyk another couple years of excitment!
- Robert Pattinson got married to Kristen Stewart, I seriously think they got drunk or something, or they are just doing for publicity!
Getting married at 22, and 19, is barely going to last! WHAT A WAIST~
no offense to them or anything.
But its so STUPID!
-Theres the 'Twilight' news for now (:

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